About us
Your children’s future (YCF) was a concept initiated in 2010, to communicate the importance of sustainability, and to provide a framework for action and behavior change.
2020-2030 is being described as the decade of action, to respond now to the climate and planetary emergency, before unstoppable, irreversible climate change results in a dramatically different future for our children. For the last two decades, scientists, climate activitsts, politicians, business leaders have all been cognisant that it is this adult generation now which has to change to make the difference for our childrens future.
Greta Thunberg brought this to the fore, 'You must take action', during her stinging speech at the United Nations General Assembly in 2019, Greta told world leaders that the future generations won't let them get away with the little action against climate change.
Everyone has a part to play. A change is needed for all of us. This is about
your children's future and the change needed is now.
We have busy lives, often driven by consumerism and the need for ‘more’, whether that is business growth or personal wealth. 1 in 4 people in the UK suffer from Health and Well-being issues. Being busy, working harder, getting more money, buying more stuff, is not making us happier, and has impacts on our health. We spend 80% of our time indoors, the result of our busy lifestyles is a dis-attachment to nature, and lack of time or space to stop, reflect, take stock, and re-connect.
Time and space is a concept often lacking in our lives.
The coronavirus pandemic gave us temporarily the perspective of ‘stopping’, and is being cited as an intervention which many felt was impossible, and as a result, many have taken stock and realized how important time and space is, connecting with things that matter.
The bringing back to life ‘
your children’s future’ is a response to the learnings post Covid-19, people across the UK found / re-found simple pleasures of slowing down, and appreciating the world around, the YCF courses aim to bring people together and give people the time and space to reflect in nature – whether to connect together in teams, or to connect with one other individually. Through nature we can learn so much about ourselves, and about others, and our positive role in the world.
The key facilitators for the courses have varied experience including:
Russ Gauden, who has worked in the emergency services for over 15 years, with extensive team building, survival and bushcraft skills and facilitation experience including international search and rescue.
Fredricka Hughes, with 20 years business experience, working primarily in heavy industry, key skills include leadership, personal and organisational development, corporate social responsibility and business process improvement.
Fred leads the purpose and mindfulness experiences having spent the last 6 years in the not for profit sector working with businesses and leaders personal coaching of teams and individuals.
Marko Hamilton who has military background, now a communications expert having worked in fast moving goods industry, his specialities include, team-building, leadership and motivating teams.
The founders have lived all over the world, now wanting to use their extensive experience in business, public sector and not for profit to connect people and nature to facilitate change for the better.
We look forward to meeting you soon!